Prevent Sticker Shock
A flat-rate pricing system allows us to provide you with a firm quote for the cost of a heating and cooling system or repair, following diagnosis.
Who wants to pay the price of slow service? NO ONE! However, that is often the case with heating and cooling contractors who charge by the hour instead of the job.
We charge by the job so you will NEVER have to pay exaggerated hourly rates or run-around time for parts and other materials. In order to reduce your inconvenience, we stock our trucks with every imaginable tool and part, and train our technicians to do the job efficiently and correctly – the first time!
We feel that by removing the emphasis on time, our technicians don’t feel pressured to hurry, which can lead to mistakes. Our priority is on making sure the job is done right and to your satisfaction.
According to the article “Choosing a Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor” in the Victoria Advocate, “The most reputable contractors offer ‘flat rate’ pricing, which takes all the mystery out of the billing, because one flat rate is charged for any particular job.”
For more on this or any of our other products and services, please fill out our schedule service form. Don’t forget to ask us about our exclusive 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!