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Fall Is Here! Is Your Furnace Ready?

September 22 is the first day of autumn; even though it seems like we just turned off the furnace for the summer, it’s time to make sure it’s in tiptop shape to make it through the winter. Since The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a winter that’s much snowier than normal and below average temperatures from mid-December through late January, having a furnace that can handle the job is essential.

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Sealing Your Home

About 20% of your home heating and cooling costs simply leaks through drafty windows and doors. These gaps in your home also allow in allergens and pollutants from the outside, as well as humidity. The best way to prevent this is to have your home sealed.

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Water Heater Basics

Among the things in your home that you take for granted, a nice hot shower is probably near the top of your list…but how exactly does the water go from chilly to steamy? Water heaters are fairly simple to understand.

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Unlimited Hot Water in Your Home

Tankless water heaters, also known as Instantaneous or On Demand water heaters, offer instant, unlimited hot water and are about 25% more efficient than traditional storage tank water heaters. They’ve been around for several years; you’ve probably seen them advertised, but how do you know if a tankless water heater is right for your home?

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Home Energy Myths Busted!

Many of us are looking for ways to be more energy efficient around our homes in addition to saving money on utility bills. With this increased concern for energy conservation and cost cutting, a lot of tips are circulating on how to accomplish this. Some of these tips date back to what our grandparents told us to do. These myths are so ingrained in us because we were told by so and so that we don’t even realize they may actually be having the opposite affect … wasting energy and costing money!

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